Knaus L!ve Wave 650 MX – 2 FOR RENT This model belongs to the category Semi-integrated motorhome. It combines driving dynamics with comfortable sleeping options. L! VE WAVE
This model belongs to the category Semi-integrated motorhome. It combines driving dynamics with comfortable sleeping options. L! VE WAVE is a true universal genius.
It has beds for 5 people. King size bed at the back, which has a mechanism for partial folding, providing additional space, a double folding bed in the middle and converting the living room into a single bed. When the lift bed is not in use, it can be retracted to the ceiling, which frees up space in the camper. The refrigerator of this model has a volume of 142 liters and runs on 220V, 12 V and gas. It has a large freezer. The driver’s and passenger’s seats rotate towards the caravan. There is a combined stove / boiler running on gas. Three gas stoves, piezo ignition. Sink in the kitchen. The bathroom and toilet are divided into two separate rooms. USB 12 V sockets for charging various devices. lighting, cab blinds, air conditioning to the engine part, wardrobe and wardrobes, garage for storage of camping equipment and bicycles. Each window has a mosquito net and a blind for complete blackout. Central hatch of the bedroom above the cabin. 140 HP engine, multimedia navigation system, rear view camera, parktronic, gas leak sensors, fire sensors, narcotic gas sensors. Outdoor sun shade with a width of 3.0 meters.
For the time of renting you need to pay a deposit, which will be refunded when you return the camper in good condition, after inspection by our team.
The indicated prices are in BGN per day.
Minimum time for renting a camper – 4 days.
Once you have completed your booking request, we will contact you to confirm the availability and our ability to provide you the necessary services.
For additional questions do not hesitate to contact us at the listed contacts.
Knaus L!ve Wave 650 MX – 2 FOR RENT This model belongs to the category Semi-integrated motorhome. It combines driving dynamics with comfortable sleeping options. L! VE WAVE
SUN LIVING A 60 SP – FOR RENT This model belongs to the category Alcove mothorhome (bedroom above the cabin). It has beds for 5
SUN LIVING CAMPER FOR RENT Model S 70 SL X-tra This model belongs to the category Semi-integrated motorhomes. It has beds for 5 people. Triple